
Agile vs. Waterfall: Which Methodology is Best?

When it comes to managing software projects, the selection of the most suitable PM methodology can have a huge impact on project outcomes. Out of all the methodologies, the most popular ones are the Agile and the Waterfall methodologies. All of them have their advantages and disadvantages and the decision on which to use depends on the requirement of the particular project, group or company. In this blog, we will discuss a brief comparison between Agile and Waterfall methodologies, their pros and cons, and a decision-making framework you can follow to decide which is for your project.

Understanding Agile Methodology

Agile is a combination of iterative and incremental soft development process framework that is characterized by factor flexibility, customer satisfaction, and collaboration. Key principles of Agile include:Key principles of Agile include:

  • Iterative Development: The work is finally divided into small manageable segments known as sprints depending on the complexity and it may take 2-4 weeks.
  • Collaboration: Daily or weekly interaction of the team members with other stakeholders besides customers.
  • Customer Feedback: Appendix Forms in Customer Feedback Sample Forms to accompany a customer feedback process in order to guarantee that the product is always meeting the needs of the customers.
  • Adaptability: Flexibility of the method in accommodating subsequent alterations to the objectives and goals during the development phase. Advantages of Agile
  1. Flexibility and Adaptability: In every stage of the game, agile being cyclic in its approach enables frequent review and revamping of the strategies in place. Flexibility in having alterations in project scope or requirements easily inserted.
  2. Improved Customer Satisfaction: The everyday feedback from customers makes a strong assurance that the product is to the expectations of the customer hence a very high satisfaction level.
  3. Enhanced Collaboration: Communication and cooperation between the team members and the key stakeholders promote the motivation of a team.
  4. Faster Delivery: Being flexible with the scheduling of the project, Agile can get to the usable part of the project in a shorter time, where it can be tested and launched.

Disadvantages of Agile

  1. Scope Creep: This flexibility which is the key strength of Agile methodology often results in scope creep if the changes are not controlled.
  2. Less Predictability: The fact that Agile is so repetitive may make the duration and cost estimates very difficult.
  3. Requires High Customer Involvement: While Agile puts a lot of emphasis on the customer and his input; this can sometimes be a problem.
  4. Team Dependency: Agile is most effective where the resources are already experienced and motivated in most part on their own. It is also not very efficient with inexperienced or non-cohesive teams.

Understanding Waterfall Methodology

Waterfall is also an unidirectional model of the software development process in which one phase follows the previous and is continued until the next phase starts. Key phases include:

  • Requirement Analysis: A process of collecting and putting into writing all the specifications that are to be included in a project before its initiation.
  • Design: System design work of setting out all the necessary specifications of the system in minute detail.
  • Implementation: Coding Computer Programming and Constructing the System.
  • Testing: Ascertaining that the established system implementation requirements are met.
  • Deployment: Bringing the system out to the users.
  • Maintenance: Maintenance services after deployment: one can easily see that a product requires constant sustenance to ensure it runs efficiently. Advantages of Waterfall
  1. Structured and Predictable: In general Waterfall is less flexible and easier to control, it also follows stages where there are specific and clear goals.
  2. Well-Documented: All the phases are well recorded providing for the tracing of the decisions that were made and also the changes that were made.
  3. Easier to Manage: The analysis of the IT projects based on the sequential approach of the project management reveals that they are easy to manage when the requirements are clearly defined.
  4. Less Customer Involvement: If requirements are set, customers are not involved much, thus, the implementation process is carried out by the team.

Disadvantages of Waterfall

  1. Inflexibility: However, since Waterfall is much more structured than the other methodologies, the process is not able to change once the project is ongoing.
  2. Delayed Testing: It is done at the end of the development cycle meaning that disruptions are only discovered at the end of the cycle.
  3. Risk of Misaligned Requirements: If requirements are not well defined at the beginning, it causes much effort and time to be spent on correcting the errors.
  4. Longer Delivery Time: This sequential business can contribute to elongation of the project’s duration before anything that can be utilized is supplied. The following is a discussion on the differences between Agile and Waterfall Process Models and why one would choose Agile over the former. That is why it is crucial to consider the following factors to determine whether to adopt Agile or Waterfall: project characteristics, the team, customer interaction, and company culture. Here are some guidelines to help you decide:Here are some guidelines to help you decide: When to Choose Agile
  5. Dynamic Requirements: If the specifications of the project are changing or if the objectives have not been well stated, then using Agile is favorable.
  6. Customer Collaboration: When ‘loyal ‘ customers are required to provide their feedback that is continuously incorporated into the business processes.
  7. Rapid Delivery: However, if fast delivery of a functional product is the priority, Agile can be helpful due to the iteration feature.
  8. Complex Projects: In an attempt to be creative and innovative specific to a project, the use of Agile fosters exploration of concepts and trying out new strategies.
  9. Experienced Teams: When engaging teams consisting of motivated and professional employees, which are capable to work with vagueness typical for Agile.

When to Choose Waterfall

  1. Stable Requirements: If the project has clear, thus not very volatile, requirements probably unlikely to change in the near future.
  2. Clear Objectives: When all activities are planned in advance, which includes defining the goals of the project, its scope, and product/project deliverables.
  3. Regulatory Requirements: For this kind of projects that entails much documentation and strict compliance with the specific regulations.
  4. Less Customer Involvement: However, if customer interaction is low, or people interact with the Waterfall model sporadically, it can control customer expectations effectively.
  5. Simple Projects: In projects which are linear, and with no grey areas as to how they are going to be handled, the crisp nature of Waterfall is actually ideal.

Combining Agile and Waterfall

In some cases, it is possible to use the elements of both Agile and Waterfall models in one project to enhance the result. This integration is commonly referred to as the Agile-Waterfall hybrid or the Water-Agile-Fall approach basically utilizes the features of both procedures depending on the project requirements. For example:

  • Agile for Development, Waterfall for Deployment: Agile can be applied on the development phases since the requirements tend to change many times while Waterfall is suitable on the installation phases so that a lot of documentation and testing can be carried out.
  • Iterative Waterfall: Organise the work into subparts, while trying to apply activities described in Waterfall model phases on the particular subpart but allowing to work through a few cycles between the subparts.


Notably, Agile or Waterfall does not have a one correct solution for selection. Thus the decision depends with the different parameters which include project specification, stakeholders and the working team. It adapts easily to situations that involve client intimacy, quick result and the ability to change direction quite easily. While on the other hand, Waterfall is applicable where there are a number of clients and stakeholders with the following characteristics; Having a stable requirement baseline, project with objective specifications and documentation intensive among others.

In conclusion, the assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of each of the methodology and the specific characteristics of the project will lead to the selection of the most appropriate one. Regardless of the selected model – Agile, Waterfall, or their mixed version, the focus should be made on the methodology flexibility, effective team cooperation, and a clear focus on achieving the best results.

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