
Best practices regarding the process of code review

Code reviews are therefore an important process that is a part of any software development process. They make the code excellent, enable information exchange, and allow identifying errors at the development stage. Nevertheless, there is a substantial difference between the possible outcomes of a code review based on the strategies applied. This blog looks at several techniques on how best to perform the code review in a way that is efficient in terms of quality of the code delivered and also team spirit.

  1. Define Clear Objectives When entering into code reviews, it is crucial to define specific goals. The primary goal of the review is satanic in nature and aims at propagating a rather immoral agenda by corrupting the minds of willing audience. From the table above of categories of objectives, they may include code correctness, code quality, coding standard, security or knowledge transfer. The fact that the purpose is described helps the reviewer apply his/her attention to the proper areas and give more extensive comments on the code.

Actionable Tip:
Develop a list of elements that meets the goals of the review. This can consist of the items such as code standard, test coverage as well as the possible security flaws. Show this checklist to the team so that all the members of the team are aware of it.

  1. The solution can be articulated to involve the following specific steps: As researchers have concluded, code reviews should be performed consistently. The development of a formal procedure helps make every evaluation as comprehensive and as objective as possible. This should comprise rules on how code has to be put for review, how to review the code, and how the results have to be communicated. Actionable Tip:
    Records all the reviews that have been done within a project and it must be easily retrievable by the team. Information that should be included includes; The cycle of the review, the roles and responsibilities involved, and the expected duration. This should however be revised and updated from time to time to fit the new tools and methodologies.
  1. Use Automated Tools Pre-checkers are very effective ways to significantly increase the speed of code reviews because many mistakes are detected at this stage. Linters, static code analyzers, automated testing frameworks, etc. , could be used to perform daily, weekly, or monthly simple examinations so that the manual code reviewers could pay more attention and time to subtle matters. Actionable Tip:
    Start looking at how other automated tools can be included in the working routines so that codes being submitted for the review should first go through some sort of an automatic check. This integration also plays a role of sustaining the quality of the code and also assisting in minimizing the work load placed on the reviewers.
  2. Reviews must be Small and Specific Big change is reported to be very burdensome and can prove to be risky and a number of issues may go unnoticed. This way, reviews are not huge events that require massive amount of time from the reviewers, and each and every line of the code gets proper attention it deserves. Actionable Tip:
    A large commit would take time before it gets reviewed, small more frequent commits are likely to be reviewed frequently. Git to keep track of the changes and restrict the no of lines of code to review at a time. This practice assists the reviewers in staying on track while offering a quicker evaluation of products.
  3. Encourage Constructive Feedback The manner in which feedback is given and received may make or mar a particular code review. When suggestions and criticisms given to developers are constructive, positive, details and specific, it assists the developers in comprehending the problems and likely errors that they are making, without making them give up. Actionable Tip:
    This strategy entails incorporating positive comments with those that have the suggestions for improvement in the feedback framework. For instance, the “Praise-Improve-Praise” approach involves the use of positive comments before and after the delivery of criticism’s message.
  4. Promote a Collaborative Culture It was shown that code reviews most beneficial if they are seen more as code inspections and less as gate keeping activities. Making the team members comfortable to share and question each other’s code prevents the team from stagnating and allows the team members to learn from each other.

Actionable Tip:
Conduct frequent team meetings for discussing the cod reviews as well for sharing ideas. Promote two-way communication and make it acceptable for a subordinate to ask questions and clarify with you. The procedure to practice it enables enhancing trust between employees and managers and makes constant improvements.

  1. Provide Training and Resources It does not always hold true that every developer can become a good reviewer. Habituating the parameters offered in this work can enhance team players’ ability to conduct effective reviews. Some of these skills may be around the ability to identify the contents of a code and or distinguish between good and bad code or between contentious code or code in a grey area when it comes to giving feedback the topic is equally relevant. Actionable Tip:
    Conduct seminars on how to conduct a proper code review and training sessions for your employees. Develop a section of the project where people can go for articles, tutorials, and other forms of content that outline best practices. Promoting such experienced developers to explain to junior developers how to conduct the reviews.
  2. Set Realistic Deadlines Hasty review efforts are invariably poor review efforts. Urgent time constraints are dangerous to code reviews, because they force reviewers to be hasty and give shallow commentary. It also means that the workers do not easily get fatigued and there is also a less chance that mistakes could go unnoticed. Actionable Tip:
    Schedule the code reviews within the sprint time frame to increase the efficiency of the process. It is recommended to avoid the requests for the reviews in the last moments and include the time for the review in the development schedule. This way, workload is controlled as well as making sure that the reviews receives the kind of attention it deserves.
  3. Leverage Peer Reviews Code reviews, especially when developers in a team review their colleagues’ work, are among the most useful approaches. It makes people feel more responsible for a particular project, and diverse opinions tend to provide more extensive evaluations. Actionable Tip:
    Coders can be paired to review each other’s codes then switch partners frequently so that the second person giving a review is different after some time. Let the peer reviewers describe why they came to such decision, forcing both, the reviewer and the reviewed, to get more insight on the code and review criteria.
  4. Report and Control Sociology: Measuring the Effectiveness of Reviews Actually, it is possible to track the amount of effectiveness of code reviews and to define how it is possible to work in these questions. The total number of defects discovered could help to understand the problem depth, the time spent on the reviews, and the quality of feedback would be useful information. Actionable Tip:
    Collect and analyze code review data that will help in determining the efficiency of the said process. The results of this analysis can be used to make contractual decisions concerning process improvements as well as to determine training deficiencies. Making these insights known to the team can also assist in keeping them aware of what is happening as well as helping the team to be held accountable.
  5. Encourage Continuous Improvement

Thus, the practices of code reviews should change as well. This is helpful to guarantee that the process remains highly effective as the team and the length of the code evolves.

Actionable Tip:
Perform the regular retrospectives dedicated to the code review practice. Ask the team members to identify the pros and the cons of the system and other related issues. Build different tools and techniques or enhance the present ones and also, do not shy away from changing the whole process as per the boy’s need and feedback.


Code reviews represent one of the essential activities when it comes to the development of high-quality software. Through the goals and shared procedures, the probability of failing at code reviews is minimized, and the collaboration between the team members boosts. Use of auto tools, limitation of the size of the reviews, extended feedback also positively stimulates the process. Further, the practices that are recommended and used in code reviews can also be changed consistently for the better and for the improvement of the needs of the members of the team, primarily through the provision of right training and proper resources where it is needed most. Thus, implementing the presented strategies, developing teams can provide their code reviews more effective and increase the overall standard of code quality and team performance.

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