
Best Version Control Systems: Git Vs SVN

Version control systems or VCS are crucial to software development as they facilitate tracking and releasing changes and managing the history of the project. Out of all the available VCS systems, Git and Subversion, or SVN, are possibly the most well-known. Each has its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. This blog post is a comparison of Git and SVN to aid your decision in terms of which is best suited for your projects.


Git is a DVCS that is basically used for handling collections of source code and can be traced to its origin of Linus Torvalds in 2005. It was intended to adapt to any kind of project ranging from a small project to even a very large one with a lot of ease and a lot of speed. Git’s work is based on distributed systems of the project files, which means that the repository and its history are saved in the local devices of every developer.

Subversion also known as SVN is a CVS developed by CollabNet Inc in 2000 that is a Centralized Version Control System (CVCS). SVN is known as a better version of the Concurrent Versions System, CVS, due to several drawbacks that accompany it. SVN has got only one central repository that is checked out and committed by the developers.

Key Features Comparison

  1. Repository Structure Git:
  • Distributed architecture.
  • Each copy of the repository is a repository itself with the entire history included in it.
  • Captive because the entire repository can be on the local machine which means offline work.
  • More robust for branching and merging resulting from the creation of lightweight branches. SVN:
  • Centralized architecture.
  • Single copy; users access only the item at the present version and the history file.
  • Most of the functioning is based on the connection to the central server.
  • Branching and tagging utilities are less apparent and more costly compared to the Git.
  1. Performance Git:
  • Fast operations because they access the local repository.
  • Modifications reporting in the form of commits, diffs, and history viewing do not take time because they do not interface with servers.
  • Proper management of large projects and large binary files with our own internal features like pack files… SVN:
  • This generally depends on the speed of the network and on the number of users since it utilizes a central database.
  • It can be slower particularly when the repository or files are large, or when it is dealing with binaries.
  • Some of the performance problems are prevented by incremental checkouts/updates, but overall, it is slower than git.
  1. Branching and Merging Git:
  • Branching is a primary characteristic, branches are simple and can be made cheaply and merged.
  • Promotes such development processes as Git Flow, which implies the use of feature branches, release branches, and hotfix branches.
  • Merging is highly advanced in owning the superb conflict resolving tools and integrated capability of merging. SVN:
  • Branching is more complex and costly in terms of the resources needed.
  • Merges are generally more complicated and can involve conflicts the tool needs to intervene with.
  • Not as versatile and user-friendly as Git especially in the case of branching and merging.
  1. Workflow and Collaboration Git:
  • Supports various workflows: such as centralized, feature branching, fork and pull request, etc.
  • Both pull requests and code reviews are widely used in systems that are based on Git.
  • More appropriate for open-source projects due to the fact that forking and merging are rather tractable. SVN:
  • Basically works in a centralize environment.
  • More suitable for the teams which do not want to combine information from several sources and for repository management.
  • Collaboration needs even stricter coordination because it is a more central work type.
  1. Data Integrity and Security Git:
  • Data integrity which has to do with the SHA-1 hashes of the files as well as commits.
  • Any change that occurs is checksummed hence avoiding the occurrence of data corruption.
  • It is distributed in nature implying that there is an added level of security and robustness incorporated in afocal system. SVN:
  • However, in the centralized model, there is the problem of single point of failure, although the backup plans help to minimize on it.
  • One of the easy things when working with permissions and access control is that users and their management are centralized.
  • This is most dependent on the reliability of the central server in order to eliminate inconsistencies in data output.

Use Cases and Suitability

When to Use Git:

  • Distributed Teams: Most suitable for teams, which are working in different locations as they do not require the internet to operate.
  • Open Source Projects: The current openness and support of opens source projects indeed put Git, with GitHub and GitLab integrated contributions, on top.
  • Complex Projects: The more the branching, merging and integration is frequent, then more efficient is the system through the implementation of features by Git.
  • Speed and Performance: Git is preferable for more extensive repositories and high rate of change. When to Use SVN:
  • Centralized Control: For teams that like to have a reference point and where decisions are made centrally, SVN is easier.
  • Simpler Workflows: Those companies and teams for whom the workflow is not very extensive and does not involve many branches and merges.
  • Legacy Systems: Systems and projects that are currently in SVN may not warrant the migration to Git because of the cost.
  • Smaller Teams: Co-located and small development teams should consider SVN as they can have an easier way of dealing with it and it is centralized.

Migration and Integration

Migrating from SVN to Git:Migrating from SVN to Git:

  • As it will be shown later there are tools to help with migration such as git-svn which helps in [Converting SVN to Git].
  • That’s why one has to be reinsured and think through the migration process of history, branches, and tags carefully.
  • Afterward, skills training and adjusting to new processes may be difficult, albeit rewarding, due to Git’s advantages. Integrating Both Systems:
  • To be specific, some organizations or companies have adopted the use of a partly svn with partly Git system where svn is used for specific projects and the other projects being done in Git.
  • There are tools and services that can bring the synchronous relationships between the two structures and enable the developer to continue using a certain VCS while synchronizing the changes with another system.


Comparing Git and SVN, it should be noted that their choice depends on many factors like the structure of the team and the project, as well as specific preferences as to work flows. Git is ideal for today’s development methodologies; mainly, due to distributed architecture, better branching and merging, and performance in comparison to other systems which makes Git fit for larger and complex projects along with open source projects. On the other hand SVN is quite easy to use, centralised, simpler as compared to Git and is preferred for small projects or teams with less complex structure.

Git and SVN occupy their niche in the field of version control, and knowing the differences and the specific features of each of them is using to make a rational decision based on the requirements of development. Diving deep into either the flexibility and might of Git or the simplicity and assertiveness of SVN, one can only know the importance of coming to grip with the selected VCS for optimal and efficient software development.

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